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call back意思
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  • 回电话;叫回
  • 叫回来,收回,回电话
  1. cause to be returned;

    "recall the defective auto tires"
    "The manufacturer tried to call back the spoilt yoghurt"

  2. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection;

    "I can't remember saying any such thing"
    "I can't think what her last name was"
    "can you remember her phone number?"
    "Do you remember that he once loved you?"
    "call up memories"

  3. return or repeat a telephone call;

    "I am busy right now--can you call back in an hour?"
    "She left a message but the contractor never called back"

  4. summon to return;

    "The ambassador was recalled to his country"
    "The company called back many of the workers it had laid off during the recession"

If youcall someoneback, you telephone them again or in return for a telephone call that they have made to you.

e.g. If we're not around she'll take a message and we'llcall youback...
e.g. If you want further advice, you cancallback and speak to the same adviser.

1. 回调:程序并不会主动做任何事,事件驱动的观念在Windows 编程中十分重要,等你学会Windows程序的基本结构之后方能体会它的基本精神!由Windows 回调(CALLBACK)消息处理函数(窗口函数)复制本文链接(URL)发送给朋友:

2. call back的翻译

2. 遇忙回叫:中国电信此前推出的遇忙回叫(CallBack)就是一个例子. 使用此项服务,当用户拨叫对方电话遇忙时,可以挂机等候,不用再拨号,一旦对方电话空闲,即能自动回叫接通. 其实该类产品的原理也并不神秘,只不过是在双方呼叫、通话的线路中加了一个可以自动回拨的语音平台,

"call back"的基本信息





